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Aug. 02, 2021: Enhanced Charge Transport in 2D materials through Light-Matter Strong Coupling" got accepted in ACS Nano....
Congratulations Pooja!
Apr. 29, 2021: Our new work on POLARITRONICS:"Enhanced Charge Transport in 2D materials through Polaritonic States" is available as apreprint in ChemRxiv...
Apr. 29, 2021: Our new manuscript in collaboration with Prof. Anil Shaji (IISER TVM) entitled:"boosting self-interaction of molecular vibration by ultra-strong coupling" is accepted in JPC Letters....
Congratulation Akhila!
Feb. 18th 2020: Our new work on "Electromagnetic Field Dependence of Strong Coupling in WS2 Monolayers" is accepted for publication in PSS-Rapid Research Letters...
Congratulations to Pooja and  Dr. Jhuma!


Jan. 13th 2021: Congratulations to Thabassum A. N. for getting a PhD position in University of Southern California!
Dec. 16th 2020: Jyoti's paper got accepted in JPC Letters....Congratulations!
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 379−384




Nov. 11th 2019: Jaibir awarded with SPM (Shyama Prasad Mukherjee) fellowship. Congratulations....
Oct. 10th 2019: STARS (Scheme for Transformational and Advanced Research in Sciences) -MHRD approved 12 proposals from IISER Mohali.
MSC group will be receiving funds for 3 years under this new scheme.
Sept. 24th 2019: Cavity catalysis work is highlighted in chemistry select.
June 13th 2019: MSC group publish it's first paper in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. as a HOT PAPER.....
Congratulations Jyoti Lather!
It's online now...
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 10635.
Feb. 2019: Science paper is online!  Congratulation  to the Strasbourg team!
Science 2019,  363, 615-619.
Science 2019, 363, 615.
Sept. 2018: SERB core research grant was bagged by STRONGchem project.





Molecular Strong Coupling Lab

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali

Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Manauli PO 140306, Punjab, India.

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